Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i am ridiculously blessed..seriously..it's awesome

So literally, and I mean LITERALLY I am the most blessed person ever... right now i'm pretty much living my life in uncertainty and it's taking a lot of faith and it's so awesome.
I worked 2 jobs for 3 1/2 years, 6 days a week went to school full time, paid cash for my car by myself, paid for my cell phone, car insurance, and even covered groceries for myself for breakfast and lunch while living at home. I was doing pretty well for myself financially as a young college student (plus it helped i didn't have to pay rent)
Well I left all that certainty behind to move to a new city where i didn't know ANYONE, wasn't gonna have a job and just try to make it while going to school, and 8 months later I can absolutely say that was the best decision of my life. I have become incredibly humbled in learning that money isn't everything and learning how to make it on very little. I love shopping and I love being able to not worry about money and just living comfortably. But over the last few months i've learned..what's the fun in that?? and where's the faith in that??
As most of my friends know this summer is my "homeless summer" and they seem to be quite amused about how excited I am about it. I can't afford a place to live on my own so I'm pretty much crashing on couches for the summer, earlier in the year I was freaking out about this and worried and then I just let it go, and as time has gone on I have gotten so excited about the uncertainty of this summer and that it's going to take ALOT of faith in trusting I'll have a couch to crash on every week (which now thanks to some friends, that is all set).
But to get to the I am ridiculously blessed part, I applied for a job where the deadline for the application, resume, recommendations, jump through hoops to get things signed was 4 days before I got the email about the job, but I went for it anyways, got everything emailed and faxed in within a day, and immediately got an email back that they were impressed with my resume, and I'd be hearing back from them shortly, so today I get an email offering me the job! A job where they were only hiring 2 people and it's art based, I'll be a visual arts counselor at the governors school for the arts! Oh and it gets so much better.. the job provides room and board for the entire month of June plus pays $1000.. now really.. Jesus comes through for me.. If you don't understand why I'm so excited about the uncertainty of my life it's because I'm learning not to worry.. God keeps coming through for me, the more I hand over the more He continues to bless me. I don't have any money and I will be crashing on couches for all of may and july but hey it's an incredible faith lesson, If i have to go without, I will go without but may God be glorified through it all..
this is one of my fav Bible verses, we all know the verse it leads up to..but i'm gonna do it as a mash up of a few different translations because i like it that way

'Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.'

here it comes..wait for it.... ' I can do all things through Him who strengthens me'

Phillipians 4:11-13 via translation of Heather's mash-up between ESV and NIV

That verse applies to my life in so many ways..

So 3 cheers for the homeless incredible faith summer..may God be glorified and rock my world in ways I can't even imagine..

I'm so excited :D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jesus and Sunshine

Today was absolutely beautiful, I soaked up the lovely weather with a shopping trip in nashville and a caramel frappachino, my definition of a perfect day. Something about driving with the windows down with the sun shining in, and the breeze blowing in is the perfect worship setting to me.. i've been struggling a lot lately with life in general, so today i decided it was time for a break, and usually my "breaks" involve driving, Jesus, starbucks, and shopping... I've been feeling really weak lately, life just gets overwhelming and ridiculously hard sometimes.. so today was catch up with Jesus and worship day..i can get in a nice long chat with Jesus on the way to nashville and then worship like crazy on the way back.. while on my worship ride back with the window down, new sunglasses on, my hair getting all tangled from the wind, looking up at the sunshine God was like here ya go and handed me a big dose of strength, I needed that, its' been awhile since i've felt it. I love how just when i think i don't know how i'm gonna make it any longer, Daddy comes to the rescue, never early, never late, but right on time... It's a slow process actually turning things over and saying God I know that in your time things will work out, because my flesh says now now now.. why is it so hard to overcome my struggles.??.Jesus overcame the world.. That alone gives me the strength to want to work harder to overcome the things that tear at my mind and my heart..

I am a human, a sinner, I am weak. BUT I am the daughter of the strongest God,in Him i find the strength to overcome. Without Him I would fall apart, I still do sometimes but at least He's there to pick up the pieces..He never leaves me alone.. I am so unworthy..yet so grateful to be so loved by the God that holds the universe in place.