Tomorrow is another new beginning for me.. I finally move into my own apartment, lots of new beginnings tomorrow, I thought about starting a fresh renewal with God tomorrow..then I decided nah... I'm starting now..I'm not promised tomorrow.. "This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it"- Psalm 118:24... it's today..not tomorrow.. it's now
I haven't been sharing Jesus the way I should, sometimes I wonder if people who barely know me know that I'm a Christian... Can you see it in me??? I feel super lame right now.. I was thinking about how selfish I am today, and realized how small I am compared to the things God holds in his hands..yet I am a big deal to him. Something I heard at church this past sunday at Fellowship was Rick telling a story about a little boy who was excited about his part in a play and he said I'm one of the main characters.. and Rick said isn't that what we want to be? To be able to say I'm one of the main characters in God's plan.... I am a main Character in Christ's plan... just let that resonate for awhile... I'm such a big deal to the maker of the matter how crappy I feel that brings a smile so ridiculously big to my face.. I am so ridiculously in love with Jesus and I tear up just trying to fathom a love so deep that he contains for me..
I struggle with certain things, but I feel like God is holding some things back in my life because He has something sooo much greater then I can even imagine for me... at a time when literally almost EVERYONE I know is either talking about getting engaged, engaged, getting married, honeymooning, or having kids.. I struggle sometimes with being alone, and then God is like, Heather you have no earthly idea what is in store for you... and I'm only imagining it has to be more awesome than what he has for everyone else because he's making me wait longer.. I've been pretty content lately... I'm praying that contentedness continues, bc when the struggle comes it really comes hard.. I'm extremely thankful for Christian guys in my life though that hold a standard of what a good man is like, I'm honored by my brothers in Christ to want to be a better daughter of the King...
So life is hard. I'm a Christian. I'm not half-way in and half-way out... I'm all the way in.. I'm sold.. Here I go....abandoning myself for the cross, because it holds every key i'll ever need.. I'm pressing on